Negative Confession

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

In our last lesson we taught on confession in the sense of you are what you say. So confession can be a confession of faith but it can also be a confession of the reality you are living right now. In a previous lesson we spoke on “The Good Confession” which is speaking God’s Word. This is one of the highest forms of confession because we are echoing the Will of God upon the earth. As it was said, “We are ambassadors for Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:20.” Heaven is our home but while we are present on this earth we shall speak as God’s representatives. Thus, we shall speak forth His (God, our Heavenly Father’s) Words while visiting the earth to establish His Will upon this earth. Also, in a previous lesson we spoke about making the “Godly Confession” unto Salvation because that is the first necessary “confession” we must do to be a part of the family of God. Once you are in the Family of God, as a Christian, you automatically are a member in good standing of the Kingdom of God. In today’s lesson we will discuss some drawbacks to expressing a “Negative confession.” When we mention a “negative confession” we are not talking about an evil confession or an idle confession. In an evil confession you are speaking against God’s Word or directly contradicting the Love of God or a principle of God. Thus, the evil confession is trying to bring evilness or wickedness to pass upon the earth. The idle confession is more about spreading vanity or nonproductive information. Whether the empty praises of man or the arrogant boasting of one`s own achievements it is all lumped together with idle confessions of futility. Now when we consider the reference scripture it is obvious that our words are important. Since this fact cannot be denied it is very important that we recognize the power (authority, strength, life, creativity, etc…) of every word we speak. The “negative confession” produces negativity in the atmosphere just like speaking positive uplifting words brings life, or we could say God’s Life on the scene. Yes, “negative words” carry with them an underlining tone of death. Yes, this may be at a smaller dosage of death than pure evil words but it is still words sprinkled with death. “Negative Confessions” originated with the devil because he is the father of all negativity. The evil one is always looking to put someone down or to speak evil of a person. This is why the media is full of broadcasters who continuously criticize people without a second thought. Yes, we can be sure that everyone is not a good person but we can also conclude that everyone is not a negative evil person either. If we are made in the image and likeness of God should we speak the Words of God to His Creation? We have the right and responsibility to choose how we want to look at people. We can choose to be base (lower quality) and regard others as inferior to us or we can be wise and honor those whom God has created. Yes, our faith friend, don’t think for one moment that anyone can speak negative words about others without having a condescending attitude because if you believe that a small “negative word spoken” about another is harmless you are deceived. We are sure that many people believe that words don’t matter much but our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ think differently. We as mere human beings have no right or superior intellect to negate God’s Holy Written Word when He said “Death and Life are in the power of tongue.” This statement is God’s Truth, therefore we should wholeheartedly accept this as truth and then build upon it by speaking words of God’s Life instead of death. Yes, the evil one will constantly motivate people to be “negative” and that in turn will guarantee those same people will “speak negatively”. Satan’s kingdom is increased by “negative and evil” attitudes, words and actions just like God’s Kingdom is expanded through the Positive Life changing attitudes, actions and spoken words of God released in Heaven and upon this earth. As Christians we are so blessed to have the knowledge of God in our hearts. We can know God better through the study of His Word and that also means we can choose wisely when it comes to speaking positive words over “negative words”. Quite often hurtful “negative words” are spoken to others without even a consideration of how the other individual will take them. People are so busy making (creating) “negative comments” to fit into the world’s system of popularity and boasting that they overlook God’s goodness inside that other person. Therefore be wise, dear Child of God, consider wisely that whatever you say to others you are saying to one of God’s Creations and don’t exclude yourself from that conversion either because you should not even “speak negative” of yourself because God created you to be a blessing and He loves you so much that you are blessed. A “negative confession” will be displayed in the world but we don’t have to think like or speak like the world. We can let our light of positive confession including love and faith and peace brighten the day of those who practice the darkness of a negative confession”. Who knows maybe one day they will come over to Light of Life to think as we think and speak as we speak showing love to all people around them in the Name of Jesus. Amen!